
70 inch Sharp TV Panel PRINCIPIO CELL product collection
LK695D3LA18 est 70 digiti diagonalis a-Si TFT-LCD propono panel producti a Corporation Sharp (postea vocatur Sharp), cum systemate backlight integrali WLED, sine rectore backlight, sine screen tactus.Is features an operating temperatus range of 0 ~ 50°C, reposita temperatura range of -25~60°C.Notae generales QiangFeng compendiantur in his: 120Hz, Orbis Terrarum / Effigies, Backlight, Vita ≥ 50K horas, 10 frenum, Matte , 76% NTSC ab MMXII ad Otc.2013;73% NTSC ab Otc.MMXIII.