
75 inch AUO TV Panel Open Cell product collection
AU Optronics Corp. (postea AUO appellatum) T706DB01 V0 (Alias: T706DB01 V.0) est 70.6 digiti diagonalis a-Si TFT-LCD exhibiti tabulae producti, cum systemate re- verso integrali WLED, cum Driver DUCTUS, sine screen tactus.Is features an operating temperatus range of 0 ~ 50°C, reposita temperatura range of -20~ 60°C.Notae generales in sequentibus compendiantur: 120Hz, 3D Ostentatio, WLED Backlight, cum Driver LED, 180° Reverse, 10 bis , Superficies Luminantiae albae 3D: 200 cd/m².