
82 inch SAMSUNG TV Panel PRINCIPIO CELL product collection
LTI820HA01 est 82″ diagonalis a-Si TFT-LCD propono panel producti ex Product Propono Co., Ltd. (postea SAMSUNG appellatus), cum systemate backlight integrali WLED, Ducto Coegi, sine screen tactus.Is features an operating temperatus range of 0 ~ 50°C, reposita temperatura range of -20~ 65°C.Notae generales ab QiangFeng compendiantur in sequentibus: sRGB, WLED Backlight, Vita ≥ 50K horis, Duce Coegi, Matte, B-DID;e-Board.Ex eius notis, QiangFeng suadeo ut hoc exemplar applicandum Signage Digitale, Interactive Whiteboard etc.