49 inch CSOT TV Panel PRINCIPIO CELL product collection
ST4851D03-3 est 49″ diagonalis a-Si TFT-LCD propono tabulam productam e Sinis Star Optoelectronics Technologiae Co, Ltd (postea CSOT appellatam), sine strato backlight, sine screen tactus.Is features an operating temperatus range of 0 ~ 50°C, reposita temperatura range of -20~ 60°C.Genera eius lineamenta per QiangFeng compendiantur in his: 10 frenum, Matte .Fundatur in eius lineamentis, QiangFeng suadeo ut hoc exemplar ad TV Sets applicandum etc.Built-in 12 fonte + 12 portae astulae agitator IC.

43 inch CSOT TV Panel Open Cell product collection
SG4251B03-3 est 43″ diagonalis a-Si TFT-LCD propono tabulam productam e Sinis Stellis Optoelectronics Technologiae Co, Ltd (nunc CSOT appellatam), sine strato, sine screen tactus.Is features an operating temperatus range of 0 ~ 50°C, reposita temperatura range of -20~ 60°C.Notae generales a QiangFeng compendiantur in sequentibus: sRGB, Matte .Fundatur in suis notis, QiangFeng suadeo ut hoc exemplar ad TV Sets applicandum etc.Built-in 6 fonte astulas agitator IC.

85 inch CSOT TV Panel PRINCIPIO CELL product collection
Sina Star Optoelectronics Technologia Co., Ltd (postea CSOT appellata) ST8461D01-3 est 85 digiti diagonalis a-Si TFT-LCD exhibitio panel producti, sine backlight, sine screen tactus.Is features an operating temperatus range of 0 ~ 50°C, reposita temperatura range of -20~ 60°C.Notae generales per QiangFeng compendiantur in sequentibus: DCI-P3, sRGB, 120Hz, 10 bis, Matte .Fundatur in suis notis, QiangFeng suadeo hoc exemplar ad TV Sets applicandum etc.Built-in 12 fonte astulas agitator IC.

75 inch CSOT TV Panel PRINCIPIO CELL product collection
ST7461D01-6 est 75 inch diagonalis a-Si TFT-LCD tabula producta e Sinis Stellis Optoelectronics Technologia Co, Ltd (infra CSOT appellata), sine strato backlight, sine screen tactus.Is features an operating temperatus range of 0 ~ 50°C, reposita temperatura range of -20~ 60°C.Notae generales a Panelook in sequentibus comprehenduntur: sRGB, 10 bis, Matte .Ex formis suis, Panelook suadeo ut hoc exemplar ad TV Sets applicandum etc.Built-in 12 fonte xxxiii coegi IC.

65 inch CSOT TV Panel Open Cell product collection
ST6451D02-F est 65 digiti diagonalis a-Si TFT-LCD producti tabulae ostensionis e Sinis Star Optoelectronics Technologiae Co, Ltd (post CSOT vocatam), sine strato backlight, sine screen tactus.Is features an operating temperatus range of 0 ~ 50°C, reposita temperatura range of -20~ 60°C.Notae generales per QiangFeng compendiantur in his: sRGB, 10 bis, Matte .Fundatur in suis notis, QiangFeng suadeo hoc exemplar ad TV Sets applicandum etc.Built-in 12 fonte astulas agitator IC.

55 inch CSOT TV Panel PRINCIPIO CELL product collection
Sina Star Optoelectronics Technologia Co., Ltd (postea CSOT appellata) ST5461D07-1 est 55 digiti diagonalis a-Si TFT-LCD propono tabulam productam sine backlight, sine screen tactus.Is features an operating temperatus range of 0 ~ 50°C, reposita temperatura range of -20~ 60°C.Genera eius lineamenta per QiangFeng compendiantur in his: 10 frenum, Matte .Fundatur in suis notis, QiangFeng suadeo hoc exemplar ad TV Sets applicandum etc.Built-in 12 fonte astulas agitator IC.

48 inch CSOT TV Panel PRINCIPIO CELL product collection
Sina Star Optoelectronics Technologia Co., Ltd (postea CSOT appellata) ST4761B01-3 est 48 digiti diagonalis a-Si TFT-LCD propono tabulam productam sine backlight, sine screen tactus.Is features an operating temperatus range of 0 ~ 50°C, reposita temperatura range of -20~ 60°C.Notae generales ab QiangFeng compendiantur in sequentibus: 3D Ostende, Matte .Fundatur in eius lineamentis, QiangFeng suadeo ut hoc exemplar ad TV Sets applicandum etc.Built-in 8 fonte + 6 portae astulae agitator IC.

32 inch CSOT TV Panel PRINCIPIO CELL product collection
ST3151A05-8 est 32.0 digiti diagonalis a-Si TFT-LCD propono tabulam productam ex Sinis Star Optoelectronics Technologia Co, Ltd (post CSOT vocatam), sine strato backlight, sine screen tactus.Is features an operating temperatus range of 0 ~ 50°C, reposita temperatura range of -20~ 60°C.Notae generales QiangFeng compendiantur in sequentibus: Matte .Fundatur in suis notis, QiangFeng suadeo ut hoc exemplar ad TV Sets applicandum etc.Built-in 1 fonte + 3 portae astulae agitator IC.

23.6 inch CSOT TV Panel PRINCIPIO CELL product collection
SG2361B02-3 SG2361B02-3 est 23.6 digiti diagonalis a-Si TFT-LCD propono panel producti, sine backlight, sine screen tactus.Is features an operating temperatus range of 0 ~ 50°C, reposita temperatura range of -20~ 60°C.