
65 inch LG TV Panel PRINCIPIO CELL product collection
LC650EGY-SMM3(Alias: LC650EGY (SM)(M3)) est a65″diagonalem a-Si TFT-LCD propono panel producti ex LG Display Co, Ltd.LG Display) , sine backlight, sine screen tactus.Is features an operating temperatus range of 0 ~ 50°C, reposita temperatura range of -20~ 60°C.

75 inch LG TV Panel PRINCIPIO CELL product collection
LG Propono Co., Ltd. (posthac LG Display) LC750EQN-FJA1 (Alias: LC750EQN (FJ)(A1)) est 75 digiti diagonalis a-Si TFT-LCD exhibitio tabulae producti, cum systemate backlight integrali WLED, Cum DUCTUS Coegi, sine tactu velamento.Is features an operating temperatus range of 0 ~ 50°C, reposita temperatura range of -20~ 60°C.

32 inch PANDA TV Panel PRINCIPIO CELL product collection
The LM315TA-T01 est 32.0 digiti diagonalis a-Si TFT-LCD propono panel producti ab Nanjing CEC Panda LCD Technologia Co, Ltd (postea PANDA dicta), sine backlight, sine screen tactus.

39 inch PANDA TV Panel PRINCIPIO CELL product collection
The LC390TA2A est 39 digiti diagonalis a-Si TFT-LCD propono panel producti ab Nanjing CEC Panda LCD Technologia Co, Ltd (postea PANDA dicta), sine backlight, sine screen tactus.Is features an operating temperatus range of 0 ~ 50°C, reposita temperatura range of -20~ 60°C.

40 inch PANDA TV Panel PRINCIPIO CELL product collection
Nanjing CEC Panda LCD Technologia Co, Ltd. (PANDA postea vocatus) LC395DU1A est 40 digiti diagonalis Oxide TFT-LCD producti tabulae ostentus sine backlight, sine screen tactus.Is features an operating temperatus range of 0 ~ 50°C, reposita temperatura range of -20~ 60°C.

43 inch PANDA TV Panel PRINCIPIO CELL product collection
Nanjing CEC Panda LCD Technologia Co, Ltd. (PANDA postea appellata) CC430LV1D est 43 digiti diagonalis Oxide TFT-LCD producti tabulae ostenti, sine backlight, sine screen tactus.

50 inch PANDA TV Panel PRINCIPIO CELL product collection
CC495PU1L est 50 digiti diagonalis Oxidei TFT-LCD producti tabulae ostensae a Nanjing CEC Panda LCD Technologia Co, Ltd. (PANDA postea appellata), sine strato backlight, sine screen tactus.Is features an operating temperatus range of 0 ~ 50°C, reposita temperatura range of -20~ 60°C.

55 inch PANDA TV Panel PRINCIPIO CELL product collection
In LC546PU2L01 est 55 digiti diagonalis Oxidei TFT-LCD propono panel producti ab Nanjing CEC Panda LCD Technologia Co, Ltd (postea PANDA dicta), sine backlight, sine screen tactus.Is features an operating temperatus range of 0 ~ 50°C, reposita temperatura range of -20~ 60°C.

58 inch PANDA TV Panel PRINCIPIO CELL product collection
CC580PV6D est 58″ Oxide diagonalis TFT-LCD producti ex Nanjing CEC Panda LCD technologiam productam exhibens Co, Ltd. (PANDA postea vocatam), sine strato backlight, sine screen tactus.

70 inch PANDA TV Panel PRINCIPIO CELL product collection
CC700PV3D est 70″ Oxide diagonalis TFT-LCD producti ex Nanjing CEC Panda LCD Panel producto Technologiae Co, Ltd. (PANDA postea appellatus), sine background, sine screen tactus.

23.6 inch Innolux TV Panel Open Cell product collection
Chimei Innolux Corporation (hinc Chimei Innolux appellatus) V236BJ1-P01 est 23.6 digiti diagonalis a-Si TFT-LCD exhibitio panel producti, sine backlight, sine screen tactus.Is features an operating temperatus range of 0 ~ 50°C, reposita temperatura range of -20~ 60°C.Notae generales QiangFeng compendiantur in sequentibus: Matte .Fundatur in eius notis, QiangFeng suadeo ut hoc exemplar ad TV Sets applicandum etc.Built-in 2 fonte COF + 2 porta COG astulas agitator IC.